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When I first spotted this tweed coat in the corner of my beloved Zara, I was instantly drawn to it. However, with my hands already full with my other findings, I was faced with a decision, and somehow I managed to walk away from it.

Immediately after I got home, the coat started to haunt me – non-buyers remorse kicked in. Throughout the week I kept thinking about it – obsession kicked in. That’s when I knew I had to go back for it, and I’m so glad that I did. The always-classic tweed, the epaulettes, the gold buttons, the length…I love it all.

Mixed textures and a deep crimson color are the focus of this polished-casual look. By styling it with a simple black tank, I was able to play with the bottom half and wear faux-leather leggings topped off with over-the-knee real-leather boots. I know it’s a lot of leather, but I’m a fan of contrasting aesthetics (in this case, biker babe meets Coco Chanel) to create a look that’s uniquely “me.”

So let this be a fashion lesson to all of you: if you love something, walk away from it. If you’re still thinking about it a week later, you owe it to yourself and to stylish people everywhere to make it yours.

DSC_2612 DSC_2571_2 DSC_2603 DSC_2582 Coat: Zara. Tank: Joe’s Jeans. Leggings: See You Monday. Sunglasses: Gucci. Bag: Vintage. Necklace: Vintage. Boots: Steve Madden.